Fatema Zohra Haque is an educator, a Fulbright Scholar and a author of over 26 books. Her columns, poems and translations appeared in several national Bangla and English newspapers at home and abroad. Her writings and poetry was also published on literary webpages at home and abroad. She has hosted TV shows on literature, culture and social issues on multiple TV channels in Bangladesh. She worked as a researcher at the UNO, NewYork in 2015.
Having a background in English Literature and Language, Fatema bears poetry as her love and passion--depicting human relationships in a very subtle but deep manner.
She has been training Teachers around the country for the last 25 years. She currently resides in Bangladesh which allows her to work intensively with National Curriculum and Text book Board as one of the text book writers. Her continuing work on education and cultural field has earned her the recognition as the ‘Best Fellow’ of State Department, USA in 2010 and ‘Poet of Youth’ award in 2014.